Thursday, February 26, 2009


she asked me where the hell I'm goin'
just checkin' in for a few weeks but then I'm gone
just being into it but I can't believe them anymore now

I don't care what happens
I'll just sit and wish to take off earlier

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

tell me how to disappear completely.


Friday, February 20, 2009

what am I looking for?

I hear what I should've felt
I feel what I should've tasted
I taste what I should've seen
I see what I should've smelt
I smelt what I should've heard

So what am I looking for?
Where are these things going to?
Where are these things returning to?

Monday, February 16, 2009

I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care

Geez. I was just about to say a few rude words. I mean, just about to type. Well...

I’ve read more in at ease web message board and a little portion in Mortigi Tempo, and discover more how do people see Radiohead, how Radiohead see themselves, especially how Thom see the world. Not knowing it clearly, but at least a few inches deeper.

And somebody made a thread titled ‘Thom got herpes’.

And somebody else replied, “A naughty boy he is.”


All I care about is just their music. So, no thanks, I don’t want to watch their concert live anymore, I don’t want to get any photographs or autographs from them, as I DON’T WANT TO CATCH HERPES FROM THOM. Crap.

Oh, and what exactly assures me? The pictures, and the people in at ease.

Whatever. I don’t care if it’s right or wrong, but my method of having a refreshing time is listening to moderately-slow music. I’ll study hard in Netherlands, I’ll get many straight-As, I’ll live normally, I won’t be so tight-fisted to save money for one Radiohead concert, I’ll be a real scientist, I’ll take the job from my Hollywood-director friend to bring some tea or coffee for the actors, and I don’t know if I met another choice of what I call ‘moderately-slow-but-no-cheesy-lyrics’ music. Oh and with a bit of techno.

I’ve just realized that my fanatic times (masa-masa fanatik, quote dari Gebi) has just passed. Now I’ll just laughed if Thom dissed Kanye West, or Ronan Keating, or Sir Paul McCartney, or President Obama. I know that won’t have effect on me, that doesn’t destroy the whole world, blah blah blah. It’s just celebs. Celebs are weird, I suppose.

Oh wait.

Probably I’ll save money to buy their new album, rumoured to be released in March 2010.

So that’s all folks. I’ll have to study maths.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

he's just unusual...

Got the rumour that Thom is autistic since about two days ago. But yesterday I looked in forum, YouTube, and found interviews that assured me that he’s not.

By the way I don’t care at all if he is autistic or Asperger’s, or hypomania, or hypochondriac, or bipolar, or even totally crazy. For me, he’s a music genius and he has a cute smile, that’s all. Maybe if he starts to use illegal drugs, get caught red-handed doing a crime, hit his ‘wife’, not loving his kids, plagiarize, stop fighting for global warming, do corruption (what? Emang anggota DPR), or any nasty sins, I’ll go for Jonny. Or Phil. Or Colin. Or Ed. Or...err...Chris Martin.

Wish a long life for Radiohead. For Thom. For Jonny. For Colin. For Phil. For Ed. Oh, and for Nigel.

peace XP
