Friday, January 30, 2009

I want to be someone else or I'll explode

don't know what to post.

pengen ganti skin nih.

lagi berusaha bikin skin sendiri. sekalian belajar pake dreamweaver 8 buat ujian praktek. hehe.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

kesel, gregetan, pengen bunuh orang.





*dua tambah dua sama dengan lima*

*peace XP*


I really don't know if I have to buy this book. Such a great band, and everyone (REAL Radiohead's fans, since I'm still a newbie) says that THEY have to write their own biography. Anything beside that will be sucks. Well I don't know.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my baby's got the bends, no no no.

Let's start a talk with many, many doses of RADIOHEAD.


Di sini saya sertakan semua kategori Grammy 2009 di mana band kesukaan saya ini menjadi nominasinya (telah diedit untuk keperluan PRIBADI, nyehnyehnyeh...)

Category 2
Album Of The Year
Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
Tha Carter III
Lil Wayne
Year Of The Gentleman
Raising Sand
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
In Rainbows
Nigel Godrich, producer; Nigel Godrich, Dan Grech-Marguerat, Hugo Nicolson & Richard Woodcraft, engineers/mixers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer
[TBD Records]

Category 16
Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals
Rock N Roll Train
Violet Hill
Long Road Out Of Eden
Sex On Fire
Kings Of Leon
House Of Cards
Track from: In Rainbows
[TBD Records]
Category 20
Best Rock Song
Girls In Their Summer Clothes
Bruce Springsteen, songwriter (Bruce Springsteen)
House Of Cards
Colin Greenwood, Jonny Greenwood, Ed O'Brien, Philip Selway & Thom Yorke, songwriters (Radiohead)
Track from: In Rainbows
[TBD Records; Publisher: Warner Chappell Music]
I Will Possess Your Heart
Benjamin Gibbard, Nicholas Harmer, Jason McGerr & Christopher Walla, songwriters (Death Cab For Cutie)
Sex On Fire
Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, Matthew Followill & Nathan Followill, songwriters (Kings Of Leon)
Violet Hill
Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion & Chris Martin, songwriters (Coldplay)
Category 22
Best Alternative Music Album
Modern Guilt
Narrow Stairs
Death Cab For Cutie
The Odd Couple
Gnarls Barkley
Evil Urges
My Morning Jacket
In Rainbows
[TBD Records]
Category 93
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical
Danger Mouse
Nigel Godrich
In Rainbows (Radiohead) (A)
Johnny K
Rick Rubin
Category 109
Best Short Form Music Video
Erykah Badu
Who's Gonna Save My Soul
Gnarls Barkley
Another Way To Die
Alicia Keys & Jack White
House Of Cards
James Frost, video director; Dawn Fanning, video producer
[TBD Records]
Pork And Beans
Category 83
Best Score Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media
The Dark Knight
James Newton Howard & Hans Zimmer, composers
[Warner Sunset/Warner Bros.]
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull
John Williams, composer
Iron Man
Ramin Djawadi, composer
There Will Be Blood
Jonny Greenwood, composer
[Nonesuch Records]
Thomas Newman, composer

Gue melihat saingan terberatnya adalah Coldplay.Tapi gue mencoba untuk menjadi sangat-sangat netral, karena gue awalnya adalah penyuka Coldplay.

Gue denger duluan Violet Hill, gue emang suka lagu itu selama beberapa hari. Muncullah Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, dan gue udah nggak begitu suka Violet Hill, udah bosen. Yang gue suka adalah Cemeteries of London, Strawberry Swing, dan Lost!.

Lalu gue liat-liat di, artis yang mirip dengan Coldplay adalah Radiohead. Jadi gue denger sepotong kecil dari lagu Nude (yeah, my first time Radiohead's track is In Rainbows' Nude). Lalu gue donlot dulu pake torrent satu album penuh In Rainbows, yang kemudian gue baca di mana-mana kalo itu album dirilis secara online dengan harga terserah pendownload.

Gue agak kaget dengan 15 Steps yang menghentak begitu, yang terus pas gue nonton Twilight, 'lho, ini kan lagu yang gue denger tadiiii...apa yaaaa judulnyaaaa? oh...15 Steps...'
Gue denger lagi, denger lagi, lagi, lagi. Gue berusaha mencerna satu album itu susah payah, dan akhirnya gue ngerti di mana enaknya semua lagu itu.

Gue meninggalkan Coldplay. Hahaha.

Secara lirik, gue lebih suka lirik lagu Radiohead. Apalagi yang dulu-dulu, lebih straightforward. Kalo sekarang sih seringnya bikin pusing, tapi menarik, dan jujur. Kalo Coldplay, gimana yaaa...kurang nyentuh, kurang real rasanya.

Secara suara, gue SANGAT SANGAT SANGAT suka karakter suara Thom Yorke. Even Chris Martin (frontman Coldplay) admitted (I read in Rolling Stones' 100 Best Singers of All Time, Thom Yorke was #66), "I try to sing like Thom Yorke." Mungkin suaranya terkesan agak desperate dan mellow, tapi it really fits me. Gue setuju sama pernyataan yang gue lupa baca di review album yang mana, somewhere on the net, kalau suaranya Thom Yorke bisa dibilang termasuk salah satu dari suara instrumen musiknya sendiri. WAOW.

Secara musiknya, menurut gue Radiohead lebih kaya, lebih eksperimental, lebih unik. Coldplay, mungkin lebih fokus ke aliran aslinya, tapi gue suka variasi lagu kayak yang Radiohead bikin.

SECARA MUKA! Naaaaahhhh...Biarpun mata kiri Thom Yorke gak sempurna...Biarpun Thom Yorke cuman 166 cm...Biarpun Thom Yorke sering berewokan n berantakan gak jelas...Biarpun Thom Yorke kalo nyanyi kayak orang kesurupan (liat deh videoklip lawas 'Just', one of my favourites)
Tapi gue lebih suka Thom Yorke jauuuuuuuuhhhhhhh daripada Chris Martin!


*I don't know why but Thom Yorke attracts me so bad that I can't get him out of my mind*


*peace XP*

*pokoknya gue marah kalo Radiohead kalah sama Coldplay!*


Monday, January 19, 2009

When I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet

This wasn't a 'based-on-a-true-story' reading. I'm just imagining, when I feel it so hard to open my physics textbook.

Really, just a freak imagination.

So anyone who knows me, don't try to recall which or what event it is. It's a mixture, of reality, fantasy, and jokes.

Yeah, maybe actually it's just a joke. But I find it quite interesting, smart joke. Hehe.

Just go on and read. It's very straightforward. I'm not a metaphor-expert like Thom Yorke, Hyde, or someone else you know who's good at it.

And no, no particular rules for poems I obey. It's not a poem. Just a joke. A not-funny joke, arranged like a poem.

But I'm A Coward Too

You rely on me everything
Bringing loads of fictional-dreamy books from the library
Writing notes on your book when you don't want to
Waiting for you outside the legendary haunted school bathroom
Kicking badass kids who wait for you after school, on strategic meeting points
Reporting to your momma about the headmistress's letter

I know why you want me to help you on those cases
Maybe you see my eyeglasses will go with stacks of books
Maybe you see my nice handwriting will match perfectly on your notebook
Maybe you see my giant body will scare the bathroom ghosts
Maybe you think my serious tone will assure your mom the happening wasn't all your fault

But do you recognize that I've been terrorized with all I've done for you?
Wait till you see how teachers look at me
They think my brain's full of fantasizing fairies more than physics formula
When actually I fell asleep on my desk that night

I'm afraid of any more bad scores of you
Yes, not me, but you
Because you don't know how writing-your-own-notes helps you to do tests
And you have no idea how easy it is to memorize your own scratch 

And another thing you don't know, my knees are shaking too
I'm not scared by ghost stories, but still I don't feel it okay to meet them
Your mom?
She is quite a monster, more than everyone in my family

Hey, really, I wanted to do all of that
I'm happy to be useful, as your only friend
If that's what a friend means to you
But do you know that I'm a coward too?

The last thing you should know
I think those spoiled little brats know that my outside doesn't match my inside
So within a week or two
You must find another private bodyguard just to get home safely.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thom Yorke attracts me so badly...and I don't know why.

Masih ngerjain tugas tambahan fisika...

Blom belajar matematika...

*niat sekolah gak sih???*

Entah mengapa akhir-akhir ini hobi banget posting hal-hal yang gak penting...

Apakah dua tambah dua sama dengan lima?

Oh iya...refleksi atas beberapa kejadian atas diri gue akhir-akhir ini...

Sebenernya gue tuh kuat nggak ya? Sebenernya waktu gue senyum saat diejekin oleh seseorang yang ngakunya pengen jadi temen gue itu, senyum beneran gak ya?

I don't want to be such a weak girl. Is it wise?

Gue gak suka cewek-cewek manja yang hobi nyusahin pacarnya. Wajar gak sih?

Padahal gue punya temen (yang sekarang terlihat begitu jauh sih) yang bisa dibilang salah satu dari 'cewek-cewek manja yang hobi nyusahin pacarnya'.

Oh iya...

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saat pelajaran seni rupa, anak-anak gak mau belajar. Jadi cuman pada ngobrol-ngobrol aja. Pertama sih dibilangin untuk mikirin suatu karya seni untuk dikasih ke orang-orang tersayang di hari Valentine. Lalu saat anak-anak ngeributin itu, datanglah sang guru seni rupa ke deket tempat duduk gue.

"Kamu punya pacar?"
(entah mengapa gue menjawab dengan semangat empat lima) "ENGGAK!"
"Punya calon?"
"Kasian amat."
"Idih, Bapak. Kan gak usah sekarang!"

Betuuul sodara-sodara...bagi yang seperti saya, sudah tujuh belas tahun tujuh bulan menjomblo, tidak perlu buru-buru...temukan pasangan sejati Anda dengan cara yang benar...jangan jadi jual murah...jalanin aja apa yang ada...*ya ampun ini sih semua orang juga tau!*


By the way, I believe in Jesus, Harvey Dent, Nikola Tesla, Jean Baptiste Lamarck, and...Charles Darwin. He never said that monkeys are our ancestors. All that he said was, humans and monkeys may have same ancestors. F**k off all wrong evolution pictures.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm a skip divided malfunction.

A usual syndrome of a have-just-back-from-holiday-a-second-ago school girl, is having a nervous break down.

Hehehe, maksud gue tiba-tiba suatu hari di sekolah, gue gak ngerti harus ngapain waktu dikasih sepotong kertas fotokopian, apakah itu soal matematika, tebak-tebakan, kunci jawaban, nomer buntut, ato apaan. Yaaa gak gitu juga sih.

Tapi gimana sih perasaan lo kalo temen-temen yang laen udah pada nyambung, udah langsung nomor 4, sedangkan nomor 2 aja lo jengkel karena gak bisa ngapa-ngapain.

(Belakangan gue tau gue gak bisa ngerjain nomor 2 karena gue dikasih clue yang salah oleh temen gue. Sialan.)


Friday, January 2, 2009


Sebelumnya, setelah telat satu hari, gue pengen mengucapkan:


Ini sms yang gue kirim ke semua orang yang gue ingat dan/atau memberikan sms ucapan selamat duluan:

"Wish you a happy new year with prosperity and excellence in studies! Keep your faith of God and get into 2009 with confidence..good luck for your life..:)"


a. Tuliskan semua wishlist yang kamu pengen saat birthday
b. Jumlah wishlist 15 point
c. Pasang awardnya di postingan
d. Sebar ke 10 teman terdekat


Namanya juga wishlist, jadi terserah gue donk. Yang impossible juga gak papa kaaan...

1. Ketemu soulmate! Sekarang! Gak peduli! (idiiih...ngebet pengen nikah ya mbak...)
2. A happy family!
3. Loyal bestfriends!
4. Lulus UAN!
5. Lulus Bachelor n Master!
6. Dapet dream job!
7.Semua album Radiohead lengkap! Gue capek nangis-nangis di toko CD gara-gara so many things I want to buy but so little money I have!
8. Nonton konser orkestra gratisss...NSO ato JSO, ato yang manapun laaah...
9. Nonton premiere Terminator 4 sekarang juga! Kan filmnya udah selesai, kenapa gue kudu nunggu sampe bulan Mei siiih???
10. iPhone...
11. Pierre Cardin's genuine leather ankle boots!
12. Nokia 5800!
13. Rumah yang ada kolam renangnya supaya gue bisa nyemplung tiap hari!
14.Tiang pull up untuk memperbaiki struktur tulang punggung gue!
15. Harman-Kardon speakers!

Yak! Pe-er selesai!

Gue akan memberikan pe-er ini kepada orang-orang yang gue link, yang gue harap membaca blog gue...yaitu: Mario, Daniel, Aisha (meskipun gue amat sangat tidak yakin dia ingat untuk mengupdate blognya bahkan baca blog gue), Jessica, Novia, Karyn, Muni, Michelle, dan...aduh, cuman delapan papa yaaa...

Ngomong-ngomong...we're getting closer to 81st Academy Awards, diselenggarakan di Kodak Theatre pada tanggal 22 Februari 2009, dengan host si mas berewokan yang ini:


Gimanaaaa? Cukup ganteng kah? Yak, tidak lain dan tidak bukan beliau adalah Mas Hugh Jackman yang baru-baru ini penampilannya bisa dinikmati di layar lebar dalam film Australia. For your information, si mas yang umurnya udah 40 tahun ini juga host pertama yang bukan komedian, dan juga terpilih sebagai Sexiest Man Alive versi Majalah People.

Ahahaha. Gak peduli sih gue sebenernya.

Tapi gue emang sangat excited dengan Oscar kedelapan puluh satu itu, karena mustinya The Dark Knight merajai nominasi-nominasinya; Abang Christian Bale untuk nominasi Best Actor, Mas Alm. Heath Ledger untuk nominasi Best Supporting Actor, Bung Hans Zimmer dan Bung James Newton Howard untuk nominasi Best Score, dan lain-lain, meskipun belom bisa diliat nominasi lengkapnya. Ini gue yang ngomong, hehehehe, bukan resminya.

Bisa dibaca di sini kalau soundtrack untuk The Dark Knight pernah dilarang ikutan Oscar karena alasan yang gue gak ngerti karena gue males baca, tapi untungnya sekarang udah dibolehin. Dulu soundtrack Batman Begins juga banned untuk alasan yang sama. Apaan sih ah! Ga seneng yah?! Oscar nih...ada politiknya juga yaaaa?

Lawan-lawan The Dark Knight yang gue inget sekarang adalah, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button yang kayaknya emang curious and that makes me curious too to watch it, trus mungkin Australia, Milk kali yaaa, gue juga ga tau tapi kayaknya oke tuh, ada Sean Penn gitu looh, trus katanya Frost/Nixon film politik yang bukan genre gue.

Anyways, gue kasian sama Christian Bale yang kayaknya udah sering main bagus cuman film-filmnya kurang kolosal, bisa dibilang baru The Dark Knight aja yang booming, tapi ga pernah dapet bahkan satu nominasi Oscar pun. Padahal kan keren, di trailer film-filmnya itu bisa dicantumin, 'Oscar nominee, Christian Bale'. Di The Dark Knight pun, Heath Ledger (bisa dibilang) outshined him.

Moga-moga Terminator Salvation alias Terminator 4, Public Enemies, dan Killing Pablonya sukses! Moga-moga Johnny Depp bisa ditandingi sama Christian Bale! Amin!

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